Friday, October 19

Tonight they will come

Tonight is going to be a blast. It's our last football game and as a tradition we always dress up for Halloween. So that's fun and all but get this. For starters, I play Mellophone which looks like a trumpet with a really big bell. It's what we French horns have to play for marching band because the French horn faces backwards and everyone always faces forwards, so it just won't work. But that's not the cool part. I mean, sure Mellophones are the best marching instrument ever and all, but what's cooler is what I'm dressing as. I'm going to go as Velma, this Sophomore is going to go as Daphne, the German foreign exchange student is going to be Shaggy, my section leader is going as Fred, and my friend is going to go as Scooby. And we all play Mellophone! It's going to be so much fun! And then afterwards is the band party where we get our groove on.

Thursday, October 18

Insert tired marching band player here

Last night the marching band had to play it's traditional Bates Field follies. This is kind of a concert that we play every year to end the marching band season. Usually it's the last time we have to play with marching instruments, but for some reason it was scheduled before our last game. It was fun, but very hot and very unorganized. For starters when we marched into the gym (where the follies are held) we had to fallow the people behind us. And for some reason they weren't going in a straight line. Like they just decided to put in a little curve, but we had to fallow them, so we did. Secondly, when we marched to our seats there weren't enough chairs. The two rows of marching kids walked up the middle of the rows of chairs and then tailed off into each row, but our row just did not have enough. The German exchange student (who plays the same instrument I do) and I were stuck because we had no where to go. So what we ended up doing is putting one more person in each row, but without adding another chair. It was very cramped. Then the last thing that went wrong was trombone suicide (you'll just have to look that up because it's WAY too hard to explain). In the end it was sad. Some seniors shed tears, seeing as it was their last marching band season. But if you think about it... We're not done yet!

Wednesday, October 17

How much my friend Mari wants to sleep right now

Yes i'm in the library and my friend is about to just give up and snooze. I find it kind of funny when people are so tired that they get loopy. Plus since the PSAT was this morning and we had to come in early to take the test, we are super duper tired. But it's still amusing. The loopiness of everybody.

Tuesday, October 16

That comment is debating...

For my AP gov class I have to watch the debates. It's very hard to pay attention to it when you've got a phone, a cat, and blogger to distract you. It's especially hard to concentrate when you find some...thing... stuck on your cat's cheek that looks like a sunflower seed. A sunflower seed that won't come off. Gross!

The ending of something sad

It's a Tuesday and I'm in a much better mood than yesterday. The only thing that I'm really thinking about today is the tv show that I just finished last night. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS. It was so sad for the entirety of the show, but then it got happy, which of course made me very sad. Oh what a tearjerker. It had that feeling you get after you've been with something for so long, and then all at once it's gone. Like Harry Potter. When I finished that series of books I was dumbfounded for what to do next. I read them back to back - and sure, it took me a couple months - but when I was finished I felt as if something had left me. This show didn't take me months to finish, but it's still sad that it's over.

Monday, October 15

Eye boogers

Sometimes I wish life didn't make me live for weekend. To be honest this past weekend I accomplished very little. I cleaned the bathroom and went to a Vietnamese restaurant. I studied for a government test and made a cake. I did laundry and... nope that's all I did. The rest of the time I was browsing Netflix and killing zombies in the game Bioshock that I just got from my brother. I also didn't get out of pajamas the entire Sunday. Saturday I came close, but I did go out to eat, so I had to look somewhat presentable. My mother asked me, "Are you happy with yourself? What did you accomplish this weekend?" I just shrug and I say not much, but I didn't want to do much in the first place. Sometimes people just need some downtime. I admit that I did feel lazy that my downtime lasted two whole days. But who's to say that's not acceptable? Who's to say that not doing anything constructive is bad? Everybody hates it when their alarm clock goes off on Monday mornings to remind them that, "Hey it's the beginning of the week. You only have 5 more days til the next weekend. 120 hours til the next weekend. 7200 minutes til the next weekend. 432000 seconds..." That's what my alarm clock tells me every Monday morning at 7 o'clock. However pressing the snooze button twice takes away 18 minutes, so I usually resort to that to shorten the hell of the real world. This is one of the things that I hate. Plus having to pick out your eye boogers before you can even function isn't fun either.